Download InchPro calculator for offline calculations and conversions inches

InchPro Decimal calculator to quickly convert inches and other units offline

You can download offline calculator to quickly convert inches and another popular units of measure. Here is a list of values which can be calculated by using our calculator. Conversions and calculations can be done between any values from the list below.

  • Metric System: kilometer, hectometer, decameter, meter, decimeter, centimeter, millimeter, (micrometer, micron), nanometer;
  • US Survey (the USA): foot, link, (rod, perch, pole), chain, (furlong, stade), mile, league;
  • International System: point, pica, inch, foot, yard, mile;
  • International Nautical: fathom, cable, nautical mile;
  • Astronomical: astronomical unit, light-second, light-minute, light-hour, light-day, light-year, parsec;

The brief introduction to the program, consult this page. For the complete guide and getting help about work of the calculator can read the manual.

List of operating systems and version of InchPro softwares that are supported in the calculator are given in the table.

Sat 18 Mar 2017
Download Free Calculator InchPro Decimal
Name programGet softwareCompitable OSType
InchPro Decimal 1.0.0Free DownloadUbuntu 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop 12.04/14.04/16.04 LTS and intermediate versionFreeware
InchPro Decimal 1.0.0Free DownloadUbuntu 32-bit PC (i386) desktop 12.04/14.04/16.04 LTS and intermediate versionFreeware
InchPro Decimal 1.0.0Free DownloadWindows XP/2003/Vista/2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10Freeware